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  • Laia Maqueda Sauras

    Autora del TR: The influence of English Academies on Students

    Estudiant 2n Batxillerat - INS Miquel Martí i Pol

  • Sinopsi del TR

    This study aims to discover whether going to study to an English academy makes students achieve better results at the high-school with regard to those who do not go.
    This research project presents a detailed analysis of the teaching methods of four different academies in the city, based on a survey sent to students from 1st to 4th year of ESO at a high-school in Cornellà. In so doing, the head-teachers, managers and administrators of the academies were interviewed, as well as the students reported their grades in the English subject. Furthermore, two teachers of English from the high-school have been interviewed, as an obligatory subject, and from German and French, as a non-obligatory subject; in order to compare results and to draw other conclusions. In addition, it has been contextualised how the English language arrived to our Education System and how it has been implemented in the classroom according to the different laws that have been in force in our country over time. Besides that, teachers from all over Spain were asked to answer to another survey, which allowed me to contemplate their point of view in relation to the hypothesis and expanded the information available to me.

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