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  • Laura Ezcurra

    Autora del TR: L'animació i l'estudi de les princeses Diseny

    Estudiant 2n Batxillerat - INS Maria Aurèlia Capmany

  • Sinopsi del TR

    In my research work, I have wanted to investigate further beyond my knowledge in the topic of animation.

    First of all, I have collected some information about the development of animation. I have explained how it changed through the centuries from the woman representation perspective.

    Then, I have explained the different types of machines and gadgets invented before the traditional animation that we all know nowadays appeared. And to conclude the investigation part, I have also talked about the kinds of motion animation that we can see currently in movies and advertisements.

    Afterward, I have analyzed all the official Disney princesses, starting with the aesthetics and exterior look and ending with their role in the movies.

    In addition, I have created my princess and explained my creative process to design it. As well as made two little animations to learn a bit more personally about the creation of animations.

    To finish off, I have taken an online survey to see other people’s perspectives on this matter. I have concluded sharing my final thoughts according to all the information I have gathered through this experience.

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